Contribute to the restoration of Il Nuovo Trionfo!

Support the Venetian association that wants to save the last sailing Trabaccolo (1926). For more than  year the hull was extensively restored and finally she will be able to sail again. But to serve as a sail training ship, a base for cultural events and to teach the next generations about the past we need her to comply to the safety rules, which means a lot more work and costs a lot more money!

Please help us! 

Contact us at ilnuovotrionfo(at) for further information about the restoration process.

You can pay by bank: BANCA PROSSIMA – Compagnia della marineria tradizionale “il Nuovo Trionfo”

IBAN: IT32 C033 5901 6001 0000 0144 652 BIC: BCITITMX

Or using the PayPal button below is an easy and safe way to make your donation: